Thursday, October 14

snicky snacky

i think it's just about time for a blog overhaul... i'm already tired of this design, and it's getting to be hard work to keep tweaking it into shape all the time. also it doesn't read at all well with mozilla and gets scrambled (you're not using mozilla firefox?) it'll be a bit difficult to try and get it sorted without any graphics programmes though, and my efforts to try and download anything of any use to me has met with limited (read: zero) success. that's the problem with the internet, everything is available but getting it requires either genius intellect, a huge credit card limit or absolutely no firewalls.

its kind of like being in a library where the librarians don't actually want you to take out the books, or are illiterate, or are evil. do you know how many times i have clickd on a search link only to be taken to another set of links or search engines. somedays are endless circles of links. i suppose i could spend my time writing emails but lately i don't seem to have anything to write about. or i can only think of things at completely innapropriate times (ie on the train). i know that having a laptop is supposed to negate this sort of problem but i an't get over the south african mentality that such lplaces (ie trains) are dangerous. and its actually quite uncomfortable trying to balance a laptop on your lap.

well, i do have quite a small lap.....


i'm dumping the look soon, so don't be surprised if it looks a bit crappy for a while...


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