pet peeves
okay. now, those of you who know me even a little (and i'm pretending for a moment that people actually read my blog) know that i didn't really like high school, and consequently there are certain aspects of that stage of life that is known as teenagedom that really drive me up the wall. i mean, i suppose teenagers are allright. its just the general state that bugs me. the lack of real insight coupled with arrogance. the ssumption that being a teenager is the height of cool and everyone older wants to be a teenager. obsessive interest in sex with no workable skill. a complete lack of self-censorship. crap dress sense.
avril levigne.
but what really pisses me off are teenage blogs. okay generalisation, i've read some really sweet or interesting blogs by teenagers. but there are just as many teenblogs that are filled with the shallowest, most turgid crap. you hate your maths teacher? you have lots of homework? your friends are cool? thanks for sharing. i hate such teenblogs for the same reason i hate reading my own diary from that particular period: it's crap and embarrasing.
and to top it all off, most of these blogs are crammed with on-purpose glaringly bad spelling errors, or, (and i REALLY hate this...) TypOgrPhiCaL StUv! yup, apparently it's cool to randomly hit the shift key while you're typing so that your blog instantly looks like the work of a bipolar three-year old having sex with a panda. it makes it hard to read, although i think it's supposed to be cutting edge! and cool! yeah!
i give you an example of actual text: (used with out permission)
harlOEx..dIs iS mY fIrst pOst sO hOpe tT pPle wHu gEts tO sEe mY bLog dUn fInd
iT loUsy cAn?lEt gEts balL iS 6th of oct n im haBing mY
cHemiStry pApeR todAy..hOli sHIt..tHE pApeR iS daMn dIffcUlt loRhz..i DiDnt evEn
noE hw tO do...aFter mY pApeR i mEt mY mUm fOr lUnch n gUesS wAt??ouR lunCh wAs
daMn exPenSivE..kaOz...bOughT sOme thIng..n WenT bAck sTraighT niTe
wEnt tO wOrk aT jUrong WesT sTreEt 61...N guEss wAt sHe cAllEd mE at 9.01pm
wHich sHoCked mE..fEelIng hApPy aT tT tiMe i sUppoSe..hAhA..thInk i End lE
bAh...MIn ("V") U(07)...mUAcKIIEee!!!!!!!!!
i have edited this in no way at all.
try reading it. not only is it exceeeeeedingly puerile, but it takes about four times as long to get through. so, to sum up, bad, and lots of it.
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